➤ 故事不长,也不难讲,脸红相遇,眼红散场。
The story is not long, and it is not difficult to tell. The blush meets and the envy is over.
➤ 低谷的时候分开,是对你和我都好的结果。
It's good for you and me to be apart at the bottom.
➤ 脾气上来的时候,我们都忘了彼此多么重要...
When the temper comes up, we all forget how important we are to each other...
➤ 这个世界唯一不会变的,就是所有东西都在变。
The only thing that won't change in this world is that everything is changing.
➤ 太过深沉的东西,大概只适合藏在心底吧...
Things that are too deep are probably only suitable for hiding in the bottom of my heart...
➤ 我也相信在没有我打扰的日子里,你会幸福的...
I also believe that you will be happy in the days without my interruption...
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